Contact Us at Kaplan Schweser

Best Times to Contact Us

  • Tuesday–Friday: 10:00 am–4:00 pm EST (New York Time)

Alternatives to Calling

  • Use the Live Chat feature
  • Email us by filling out the form at the bottom of this page

Before you contact us, you might want to view our Frequently Asked Questions.

Customer Support

Contact us via phone, chat, or email

Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm EST
Toll-Free: 877.311.9770
International: +1 608.779.8327
Fax: 608.779.5877

Course Access Support

Need course assistance after 6 pm EST?


Contact us for password resets and course access assistance:
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 10:00 pm EST

Kaplan Course Access FAQs

You may encounter audio/video issues or perhaps an inability to connect to the webpage. Please try the following solutions:

  • Use one of the other recommended browsers.
  • Clear your browser’s cache and cookies:
  • If possible, use a wired internet connection.
  • Try another network connection, such as your phone’s cellular network.
  • Ensure you’re not using a VPN, proxy server, or network with restrictive firewalls (like a work network). Some public networks found in libraries or airports may also be overly restrictive.
  • Visit the page in an incognito (Chrome) or private browsing (Firefox) window and be sure you don’t have any browser extensions enabled.

You will need to request the desktop version of the site:

  • In Chrome, click on the three little dots in the bottom right of your browser window, then tap the box next to “Desktop Site.”
  • In Safari, tap and hold the “Aa” in the upper left until the menu appears, then choose “Desktop Site."
  • In Firefox, click on the three dots in the upper right, then tap the box next to “Request Desktop Site.”
When choosing to share your screen, your browser will ask if you’re sure you want to allow the feature to show your screen to others. Make sure you’ve allowed screen sharing through your browser.
Your audio/video settings are managed in a few places. Please ensure the following:

  1. Your microphone/camera are active/not muted in the event itself.
  2. You have allowed microphone/camera use in your browser. A pop-up should appear the first time you try to use them.
  3. The audio is enabled on your computer, and your microphone/camera isn’t being used in any other applications.

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