FRM® Exam Prep Study Packages

Enter exam day with complete confidence by preparing with a comprehensive FRM study package.


Your future as a Certified Financial Risk Manager® starts here.


Starting at $849


Get our proven FRM study materials, along with invaluable guidance and instruction from the industry's largest team of expert FRM instructors. And then reinforce your knowledge with our final review.


Starting at $449


Study on your schedule with this complete self-study package, featuring our renowned SchweserNotes™ and a bundle of our top FRM study tools to help you master the curriculum.

92% Recommendation Rate

Focused study, superior results. Schweser is your proven path to FRM certification.

The Best Way to Study for the FRM® Exam


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More Insights. Clear Direction. Better Results.

No more guessing how you should prepare for the FRM Exam. We’ve formulated a study program that works and adjusts for you.


Everything you need to succeed, with all-inclusive and self-study options.


Convenient OnDemand instruction from your home or office.

Final Review

Immersive online final review, from mock exams to OnDemand videos.


Qbank, Schweser's Secret Sauce®, and many other complements to your studies.

The Latest FRM® Resources

Stay ahead of the curve with access to our free FRM exam prep resources.

Become a Financial Risk Manager (FRM®)

By becoming a certified Financial Risk Manager, you are not only earning the most respected certification for financial risk management, but also you’re joining an elite group of more than 87,000 certified FRMs practicing worldwide.


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FRM® Free Trial


With Schweser’s 7-Day Free Trial, you can experience how the core study tools act as complements to one another, giving you concise and comprehensive coverage of the entire FRM curriculum.


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Before You Decide to Sit eBook


If you’re wondering if FRM® Certification is a good fit for your career, this eBook is for you. Get real advice from FRM certified professionals.


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Still Have Questions? Make an Appointment

Eliminate the guesswork in your FRM® exam preparation. Our representatives are ready to guide you in choosing the right education package for your exam-day success. Schedule a time to talk to one of our financial education experts and have all your questions answered.

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What Kaplan Schweser Customers Say

FRM® Exam FAQs

To earn the certification, you must take and pass Part I and Part II of the FRM Exam. There are no education or work requirements for taking the exam, but after you pass both parts, you must demonstrate that you’ve had at least two years of full-time work experience in the field of risk. Finance-related vocations are the only ones considered as acceptable work experience. Examples include portfolio management, industry research, trading, and risk consulting.
The FRM Exam is very quantitative, and the curriculum takes a lot of time to master. As a result, more people fail Part I than pass it, and barely half of those who take Part II pass it. One reason for this is the variations in the FRM Exam questions. Some are straightforward, others appear straightforward but have a trick to them, and the wording of others can be confusing. Therefore, there will undoubtedly be questions on the FRM Exam that give you trouble (you can learn how to tackle those here.) Some self-directed and motivated candidates are able to pass both parts of the FRM Exam using a course of self-study, but many use exam prep packages or classes to stay organized and ensure they are prepared for exam day.
For each part, you need to study a minimum of 275 hours, and you should start studying as soon as you’ve registered. You will be tested on your ability to read a question, analyze it, and apply concepts to it. So cramming in the final weeks before the exam won’t help you. The topics require a type of knowledge that can only be gained over a structured, careful course of study—not last-minute, frantic reviews of core materials. You can learn more about how to study for the exam here.

Part I of the FRM Exam is computer-based; with 100 multiple-choice questions. Part II of the FRM Exam is computer-based; with 80 multiple-choice questions. Both Parts of the FRM exam are four hours in length.

FRM is an acronym for Financial Risk Manager. Offered by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP), the FRM designation is recognized as the leading certification for risk managers. Those with the FRM designation are in high demand because of their demonstrated ability to anticipate, respond, and adapt to critical risk issues. The FRM designation lets banks and financial firms know that you take risk management seriously, and your knowledge has been validated by international professional standards.
92% Recommendation Rate: These are the findings of a quantitative survey conducted by Kaplan between September 29 and November 4, 2022. For this survey, a sample of 253 FRM candidates was interviewed online, of which 138 prepared for the FRM exam with Kaplan Schweser.

7-Day Free Trial: Terms and conditions apply. Visit for details.