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Give yourself the absolute best chance to pass the exam with a complete CFA exam prep package. You also get access to a thriving community forum and our PassProtection™ guarantee.


Starting at $1449


This total package contains all of the study tools, classes, and review materials that Kaplan Schweser has to offer, including the option to choose between Live Online and OnDemand.


Starting at $1049


Our proven study materials, along with invaluable guidance and instruction from the industry's largest team of expert CFA instructors. And then reinforce your knowledge with our final review.


Starting at $749


Study on your schedule with this complete self-study package, featuring instructor-led OnDemand Masterclasses and the digital version of our renowned SchweserNotes.


Starting at $379


Cost-effective study package with OnDemand classes and online study tools that complement CFA Institute's materials.


Recommendation rate. No gimmicks, just results. Schweser is a candidate’s proven path to success. 


candidates have prepared for their CFA® exams with Schweser.

Maximize Your Chances of Success on the CFA®️ Exam with a Study Package from Kaplan Schweser


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More Insights. Clear Direction. Better Results.

No guessing how you should prepare for the CFA® exam. We’ve formulated an adaptive study program that works and adjusts for you. More CFA Level I and II candidates consider Kaplan Schweser to be the highest-quality, most comprehensive, and easiest-to-use CFA exam prep provider in the industry


Personal instruction with the industry's best instructors, brought to your living room.

Final Review

Immersive final review before the test, from online mocks to instructor-led workshops.


SchweserNotes, QBank, Secret Sauce, and many other complements to your studies.

See Why Your Peers Made Schweser the Most Recommended CFA® Exam Prep Provider

Testimonial: This testimonial was recorded for Kaplan Schweser. The views and opinions expressed are those of the individual; student experiences may vary. 

CFA® Program Survey: Insights from Charterholders and Candidates

Kaplan Schweser conducted a study that provides a unique look into the experiences of CFA candidates and charterholders at different points in their journeys.

  • 60% of respondents were more satisfied with their career trajectory after passing their most recent exam or becoming a charterholder
  • 66% of CFA candidates who have passed at least one exam feel more valued by their employer as a result of their employer having supported them in their candidacy
  • 79% of CFA candidates agree that the CFA curriculum is valuable in their career after having passed at least one of their exams

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The Latest CFA Resources

Stay ahead of the curve with access to our free CFA® exam prep resources.

Considering the CFA Charter?

Propel your career forward by earning the global finance industry's most respected designation: Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).



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Free CFA® Diagnostic Exam


Considering the CFA charter? Get an idea of your baseline knowledge of the Level I CFA Program curriculum in this free 60-question diagnostic exam.


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Informative CFA® Program Webinars

Attend free live and recorded webinars to learn more about earning the CFA charter, including the process, career benefits, exam details, study strategies, and more.


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Still Have Questions? Make an Appointment

Eliminate any guesswork in your CFA® exam preparation. Our representatives are ready to guide you in choosing the right education package for your exam-day success. Schedule a time to talk to one of our financial education experts and have all your questions answered.

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What Kaplan Schweser Customers Say


The CFA exams are very difficult, but candidates can increase their chances of passing by preparing well, which includes: studying for a minimum of 300 hours; using exam prep materials; answering as many practice questions as possible; and developing a structured study plan.
Passing the CFA Level I exam—which has had an average pass rate of 41% over the past decade, according to the CFA Institute—requires following a well-structured study plan. Successful candidates spend approximately 300 hours preparing for the Level I exam. An ideal strategy is to allow yourself at least four months to complete all the reading material.
All three levels of the CFA exam curriculum are structured as self-study programs. However, there are some aspects of the exam that will require more time in order for you to prepare effectively; this applies whether you plan to study alone or with the help of a tutor or exam prep course.
The Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA) charter is a professional designation administered by CFA Institute. According to CFA Institute, it’s the most respected and recognized investment management designation in the world.

According to Payscale, in the United States, the CFA charterholder salary is anywhere from $64,234 to $255,000 a year. Why is there such a big range? Because there is a lot you can do with the charter in jobs with varying degrees of responsibility.

Read more about CFA Salaries »

An individual wishing to enroll in the CFA Program and register for the Level I exam for the first time must possess an international travel passport. In addition, candidates must meet one of the following requirements:

  • Have earned a bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree, or select an exam window that is 23 months or fewer before your graduation month for your bachelor’s degree or equivalent program. Understand that you must complete your degree program prior to sitting for level II.
  • Have accumulated 4,000 hours of applicable professional work experience (not required to be investment related).

Candidates may also have a combination of full-time professional experience and education that totals a minimum 4000 hours. Those hours of experience/education must be accrued prior to enrollment in the program.  This article has more details.

It is not a degree. It’s a professional credential that demonstrates mastery of advanced investment analysis and real-world portfolio management. Candidates often weigh the benefits of the CFA charter against those of an MBA, which may be a contributing factor in this common misunderstanding.

Candidates might also weigh the benefits of the CFA® charter against those of a Master of Science in Financial Analysis (MSFA). Certain curriculums like the MSFA offered by the College for Financial Planning®—a Kaplan Company are aligned to the learning outcomes of the CFA® Institute’s CFA® Program, enabling students to earn an MSFA while concurrently preparing for the CFA® exam. 

To earn the CFA charter you must pass three levels of the exam in order: Level I, Level II, and Level III. Each exam builds on the mastery demonstrated by achieving a passing score on the previous exams.