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Part I FRM® Exam Prep Study Products

Individual Products

Hone your test skills with these proven study products.

SchweserNotes™ & QuickSheet

Break down the entire FRM curriculum into bite-sized segments and master every Learning Objective.

SchweserPro™ QBank

Apply what you’ve learned by creating custom or adaptive quizzes from hundreds of unique questions.

Final Review

Complete your study plan with products designed for the final months of preparation.

OnDemand Review

Practice and perform with the OnDemand Review—the ideal way to wrap up your study plan.

Online Mock Exams

Assess your knowledge, confirm your test-taking skills, and get ready to perform on exam day with an Online Schweser Mock Exam.

Schweser's Secret Sauce®

Finish your studies and get extra insight on the exam-taking process with Schweser’s Secret Sauce®.

Part I FRM Classes

Learn directly from expert instructors who know what it takes to pass the exam.

OnDemand Class

Conveniently view OnDemand Classes from your home or office, and prepare to pass the FRM exam on your schedule.

Part I FRM Exam Study Packages

Prepare confidently and save money when you buy one of our bundles.


OnDemand Class & Review

Receive expert instruction with our most popular FRM study materials to give you a solid framework to prepare, practice, and perform on the FRM exam.



Study at your own pace with this comprehensive FRM study program.

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