2025 CAIA® Exam Prep Study Packages

Give yourself the best chance to pass the CAIA exam by preparing with a personalized study package from Kaplan Schweser.


Your future as a CAIA charterholder starts here.


Starting at $999


Get our proven CAIA study materials, along with invaluable guidance and instruction from the industry's largest team of expert CAIA instructors. And then reinforce your knowledge with our final review.


Starting at $699


Combine a self-study package of SchweserNotes™ and study tools with additional review materials, designed to top-off your CAIA mastery toward the end of your study plan.



Starting at $499


Study on your schedule with this complete self-study package, featuring our renowned SchweserNotes™ and a bundle of our top CAIA study tools to help you learn the curriculum.


How to Create an Efficient CAIA® Learning Plan


From comprehensive study packages to self-study materials, we’ve created tools to suit every student.


Everything you need to succeed, with all-inclusive and self-study options.


Convenient OnDemand instruction from your home or office.

Final Review

Immersive online final review, from mock exams to OnDemand Review sessions.


SchweserNotes™, QBank, Secret Sauce, and many other complements to your studies.

Hear How This CAIA® Charterholder Passed Both Exams the First Time with Schweser

Testimonial: This testimonial was recorded for Kaplan Schweser. The views and opinions expressed are those of the individual; student experiences may vary. 

The Latest CAIA® Resources

Stay ahead of the curve with access to our free CAIA exam prep resources.

Considering the CAIA® Charter?

Stand out from the crowd when you achieve the highest standard of alternative investment education.



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CAIA® Free Trial

With Schweser’s 7-Day Free Trial, you can experience how the core study tools act as complements to one another, giving you concise and comprehensive coverage of the entire CAIA curriculum.



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Before You Decide to Sit eBook

If you’re wondering if the CAIA charter is a good fit for your career, this eBook is for you. Get real advice from CAIA charterholders.



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Still Have Questions? Make an Appointment

Skip the guesswork in your CAIA® exam preparation. Our representatives are ready to help you choose the right education package for your exam-day success. Schedule a time to talk to one of our financial education experts and have all your questions answered.

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What Kaplan Schweser Customers Say


To earn the CAIA Charter, you must take and pass the Level I and Level II CAIA exams. There are no degree or work requirements for taking the exams, but after you pass both, you must earn or finish earning a bachelor’s degree or equivalent and have at least 1 year of professional experience, or complete a minimum of 4 years of professional experience without a degree. You also have to join CAIA Association and submit two professional references to the association.
The CAIA Charter is valued by top employers and recognized globally as the highest standard of achievement in alternative investment education. As the CAIA designation continues to grow, so do its benefits. According to Payscale, the median salary for a CAIA Charterholder in the United States is $96,000 a year. Investment analysts who hold a CAIA make about $74,197. On the top end of the scale are investment consultants, who earn an average of $139,565.

Registration fees vary based on how early you sign up and if you are a repeat or first-time test taker. First-time test takers registration can cost between $1,395-$1,795 for Level I and between $995-$1,395 for Level II. The retake fee is $795.

For more information about registration fees, visit the CAIA Association website.

The CFA exam is harder according to both student surveys and official pass rates. Only 43% of CFA test takers pass Level 1, with 47% passing Level 2 and 54% passing Level 3, whereas for CAIA, pass rates are higher for both Level 1 (52%) and Level 2 (65%).

Everything you need to know about the CFA Exam vs. the CAIA Exam »

CAIA is an acronym for Chartered Alternative Investment AnalystSM. Offered by  CAIA Association, the CAIA Charter is recognized globally as the benchmark for analysis, application, and standards of practice in the alternative investments arena. What are alternative investments? They are investments that are not stocks, bonds, and cash. Examples include real estate, infrastructure, natural resources, commodities, hedge funds, private equity, collateralized debt obligations, and credit derivatives. Check out this article for more details.

7-Day Free Trial: Terms and conditions apply. Please visit www.schweser.com/caia/free-study-materials/free-trial for details.