Why Schweser for FRM® Exam Prep?

Because Results Are the Byproduct of Preparation.

With over 35 years of proven success preparing candidates like you for the FRM® Exam, Kaplan Schweser takes pride in its place as the leading global provider of financial education for hundreds of thousands of students and business professionals around the world.

See Why Schweser Is the Most Trusted Source for FRM Exam Preparation:

Achieve your goals with our proven 3-part learning strategy: Prepare • Practice • Perform®. That’s the Kaplan Way.

Immerse yourself in the highest quality content with flexible study options that accommodate every lifestyle…from online to classroom with print and mobile formats.

Learn from world-class instructors who have all earned the FRM designation with years of teaching and industry credentials.

Join the ranks of successful candidates who’ve collaborated with Schweser and help us maintain our status as the most trusted exam prep provider in the world.

Fall back on PassProtection, which guarantees you’ll pass, or we’ll cover the costs of your study package next time around.

Ready to Pass the FRM Exam?