Considering the CAIA® Charter?
Become a Charterholder
Alternative investments are front and center in the modern economy. Differentiate yourself by earning the only global education standard in this burgeoning sector and become a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst.
Exam Details
The CAIA exam, administered by CAIA Association®, is a rigorous two-tier exam that must be completed before achieving the coveted charter. Find the details you need to know about the program, key dates, and the topics covered under each level.
How to Pass
The CAIA program consists of a series of two examinations (Levels I and II) that must be taken in succession. Learn what it takes to pass each level of the CAIA exam, including study tips, valuable exam strategies, and the most important curriculum topics.
Curious? Take Advantage of Our Product Samples and Free Resources
Sample some of Kaplan Schweser’s CAIA exam prep products with FREE videos and product demos. Or download one of our eBooks providing you more insight into the CAIA exam and what it takes to pass.