How Much Will the CFA® Program Cost Me?

Currently, the minimum cost of the CFA Program is $3,320 USD, which includes a one-time enrollment fee and discounted early registration.
$3,320 USD might not be enough to earn the CFA charter though. Investing more than the bare minimum can increase your odds of passing the exam. This article explains all the costs and why you are likely to benefit from spending more than just the basic fees.
2026 CFA Price Changes
Starting with the 2026 exams, early bird registration and standard registration fees for Levels I, Level II and Level III exams will increase. Also the new level I enrollment fee will be removed.
2026 CFA Registration Costs
At Level I, the early bird registration fee will increase from $990 to $1,140. The standard registration fee will increase from $1,290 to $1,490.
The same thing applies for Level II registration fees. The early bird registration fee will increase from $990 to $1,140 and the standard registration fee will increase from $1,290 to $1,490.
At Level III, the fees will increase from $1,090 to $1,240 for early birds and from $1,390 to $1,590 for standard registrants.
In addition, the new Level I enrollment fee will be removed and candidates will no longer have to pay the $350 to enroll into the CFA program.
CFA Program Cost: The Bare Essentials
When you register for the Level I CFA exam in 2025, you will pay a one-time enrollment fee of $350 USD. That gets you into the CFA Program. Then you will pay an additional registration fee to sit for the exam at each of the three levels.
Currently, the fees for each exam level of the CFA from CFA Institute are:
- Early registration fee: $990 USD
- Standard registration fee: $1,290 USD
So depending on when you register, you can pay anywhere from $2,970 to $3,870 USD total to take all three levels assuming that you pass each CFA exam the first time. Add the $350 USD enrollment fee, and the total CFA exam fees range from $3,320 to $4,220 USD, excluding CFA prep.
Are you thinking about taking the CFA exam? Download this free Before You Decide to Sit for the CFA® Exam eBook.
Compared to earning an MBA at a top university, which can cost as much as $60,000–$100,000, the CFA Program looks like a steal no matter when you register. However, the CFA exams are only offered in certain cities, so you might need to add travel costs to the exam fees if you don’t live in one of those cities.
Adding to Basic CFA Program Costs Is a Worthwhile Investment
As we mentioned, not passing a level of the CFA Program exam means that you have invested your registration fees for nothing. If you are determined to become a charterholder, you will have to pay the same registration fee to take the exam or exams you failed again. And because only 20% of the people who start out in the CFA Program end up earning the charter, and few pass all three levels on the first try, you might have to take at least one level of the exam again and save funds for that purpose.
While there are no guarantees that you will pass all three levels of the CFA exam the first time around, you can significantly increase your odds by investing in a CFA exam preparation package or course.
Interestingly, the price of the top offerings ranges from $649 to $1,499, which is within the range of the money you might be allotting as a contingency for failing the exam. These packages include practice questions, online resources, in-person and online classes, reviews, and, in some cases, mock exams.
If you go all out and purchase packages for all three levels, you’ll spend between $1,947 and $4,497 to greatly increase your chances of earning the charter. And when you think about it, that is still much less than you would spend earning that MBA.
CFA Scholarship Guide
Interested in CFA® Exam Study Packages or Courses?
If you think CFA Program prep is the way to go, check out our 10 tips for choosing the best exam prep. Or visit our CFA exam prep resources to learn about different CFA study packages.
Free eBook: Before You Decide to Sit for the CFA® Program Exam
Free eBook: CFA® Program Fundamentals, 2nd Edition
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