Free CFA® Diagnostic Exam

Woman at her laptop studying for the CFA exam
Free CFA Diagnostic Exam

Free CFA® Diagnostic Exam

Assess your baseline knowledge of the Level I CFA Program curriculum. Comprised of 60 multiple-choice questions, this diagnostic exam is designed to replicate the difficulty of the actual CFA exam and test your knowledge of Level I topic areas. Upon completion of the exam, you’ll receive detailed answer explanations to help you understand the rationales behind the correct answers.

Includes Performance Tracker

After you complete the diagnostic exam, use the Performance Tracker tool to view:

  • Your overall test score percentage
  • A readout of your score arranged by topic area
  • Your relative performance versus other exam takers

Assess Your Knowledge

The diagnostic exam is designed to test your baseline knowledge of CFA Level I exam material, not your readiness to start studying for the exam. Do not be discouraged by a low score. The average CFA candidate spends 300+ hours studying for the Level I exam. Completing this exam will simply help you assess the work required to be successful when it matters most.

Ready to Pass the CFA® Exam?


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